TempIO: A Temporary File System

This object is useful for tests that need to set up a directory structure and work with files and paths. Once you instantiate it, you have a temporary directory that will self-destruct when it falls out of scope:

>>> from fixture import TempIO
>>> tmp = TempIO()
>>> tmp 

Add sub-directories by simply assigning an attribute the basename of the new subdirectory, like so:

>>> tmp.incoming = "incoming"
>>> import os
>>> os.path.exists(tmp.incoming)

The new attribute is now an absolute path to a subdirectory, “incoming”, of the tmp root, as well as an object itself. Note that tmp and tmp.incoming are just string objects, but with several os.path methods mixed in for convenience. See the fixture.io.DeletableDirPath API for details. However, you can pass it to other objects and it will represent itself as its absolute path.

Putting Files

You can also insert files to the directory with putfile():

>>> foopath = tmp.incoming.putfile("foo.txt", "contents of foo")
>>> tmp.incoming.join("foo.txt").exists()

Removing The Temp Dir

The directory root will self-destruct when it goes out of scope or atexit. You can explicitly delete the object at your test’s teardown if you like:

>>> tmpdir = str(tmp) # copy the directory path
>>> del tmp
>>> os.path.exists(tmpdir)

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