
Fixture storage media.

You most likely will only need the wrapper classes in fixtures .


C Stor(...) ...

interface for a storage medium.

This class contains 4 members.

C SOStor(...) ...

SQLObject storage medium.


so_class: the SQLObject class to actually stor with

Keyword Arguments

autocommit -- when False (the default) everything is performed within a transaction until SOStor.clean is called. When True, everything is still within a transaction but it is committed upon . Autcommit mode seems to be necessary to work around instances where postgresql would deadlock if you are working with lots of foreign keyed fixtures within transactions

This class contains 4 members.

C FileStor(...) ...

abstract Stor object that involves storing a file.

This class contains 4 members.

C CsvStor(...) ...

CSV storage medium.

This class contains 4 members.

C XmlStor(...) ...

XML file storage medium.

note that this is not meant to get crazy, but just meant to make an XML representation of tabular data ... in other words the structure needs to be basically:


This class contains 6 members.

See the source for more information.