
self-destructable temporary directory root.

Takes the same keyword args as tempfile.mkdtemp.

You will most likely create this in a test module like so (nosetests/ py.test style) :

>>> tmp = None
>>> def setup_module(self):
...     self.tmp = TempIO()
>>> def teardown_module(self):
...     del self.tmp
>>> def test_something():
...     tmp.root
...     # ...

NOTE: due to the unpredictability of when destructors get called, you may want to explicitly delete your instance in a teardown method. however, an atexit function will try and clean up too.


f __init__(self) ...

f __del__(self) ...

removes the root directory and everything under it.

f mkdir(self, name, mkall=True) ...

makes a directory in the root and returns its full path.

if mkall is True, will split the path and make each non-existant directory. returns full path to new directory.

f mkfile(self, fname) ...

makes a filename in root.

  • the path is relative to your TempIO root.
  • all subdirectories are created if they don't exist
  • no checking is done as to whether this file exists or not

returns full path to new file.

f newdir(self, name) ...

makes a directory in the root.

it also adds name as a property to this instance. returns full path to new directory.

f putfile(self, fname, contents) ...

puts new file in your TempIO root.

see mkfile for how fname is handled.

See the source for more information.