Fixture storable by an SQLObject.
The SOFixture class is accessible via the testtools.fixtures.storable module.
The following are attributes you can set as keywords or meta attributes (see Fixture for examples on configuring a class using meta)
- data -- datasets to load (see Fixture for format)
- so_class -- default SQLObject class to use (if missing, SOFixture.find_so_class will be consulted)
- env -- dict or something with attributes
- finder -- callable to get so_class from self.__class__ (default is find_so_from_fixture )
- clean -- if True, object is cleanable (defaults to False)
- autocommit -- if False (default) storage is performed in a transaction. see SOStor .
f find_so_class(self, fixture_class=None) ...
searches meta.env for an SQLObject named by meta.finder.
meta.env is a dict or something with attributes. meta.finder is a callback that accepts the fixture class name of this instance. returns SQLObject class.
See the source for more information.