Class f.s.TrimmedNameStyle(Style):

Part of View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses:

derives new names from trimming off prefixes/suffixes.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method _trim Undocumented
Method to_attr converts name to a new name suitable for an attribute.
Method guess_storable_name converts a dataset class name to a storage class name.

Inherited from Style:

Method __add__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, prefix=None, suffix=None):
def _trim(self, name):
def to_attr(self, name):
converts name to a new name suitable for an attribute.
def guess_storable_name(self, name):
converts a dataset class name to a storage class name.
API Documentation for fixture, generated by pydoctor.